The opportunities we can have as a country based on what we have here are endless. There is a reason Mango Mussolini is angling for what we have, he sees it when a lot of people actually here don’t or did not wake up until now. We don’t even know 1/2 the resources that are under the soil and ice in our country.

I have a couple of thoughts and they may not be very well liked on here but I think in the eye of ensuring future generations are richer than we are right now we need to do a couple of things.

1) We need to get deathly serious about the CAF and defence as a whole today, not in 2030. I know there are constraints on PSPCs ability to procure systems but that needs to be the governments #1 priority right now that is not related to Tariffs/Trade. We need to build a robust defence industrial base, we need to incentivize it not by handouts or tax breaks but by orders and more specifically continuous orders, when a system is being delivered we need to be working on block 2 of that system or a requirements identification to replace that system, we can’t let things atrophy, nor can we let the procurement knowledge atrophy.

2) Our resource sector needs to be heavily expanded, toute suite. Tie defence spending to trade deals and ITP benefits. Tell the Koreans, we will buy the submarines from you tomorrow but you are now ordering “X” amount of oil from us or whatever other resource helps up grow as a country and try and work every deal like this some way on top of ITP benefits. It’s my opinion that we need to do something akin to Norway with their sovereign wealth fund, promise every Canadian “X” amount of tax breaks when the budget is balanced and the wealth fund is at a specific level, take it straight from the wealth fund.

3) Align with like minded middle powers. Australia, UK, NZ, Japan, SK, etc. There is no reason whatsoever why there is a need for us to be beholden to US whims and defence systems if we work with partners to build our own base. The US wants it allies to become self reliant apparently so let’s just do it and benefit from it.

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You are exactly correct...Canada can do (and has done) big things! We need to start doing them again, and no one on Earth builds big things faster and better (and within budget!) than the RoK

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"We always sell ourselves as small and useless"

Who does? Not too many people I know. Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people.

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